What is the difference between:
(voip-info.org/wiki/view/Setu … t_id=13186)
******* GSM Gateway incoming calls **********
exten => _103,1,Answer()
exten => _103,2,DigitTimeout(3) ; give enough time to do second stage dialing
exten => _103,3,ResponseTimeout(5)
exten => _103,4,DISA(no-password|outgoing) ; here ‘outgoing’ is the normal context to deal with the dial plan
******* GSM Gateway incoming calls **********
exten =>103,1,Answer()
exten =>103,2,DigitTimeout(3) ; give enough time to do second stage dialing
exten =>103,3,ResponseTimeout(5)
exten =>103,4,DISA(no-password|outgoing) ; here ‘outgoing’ is the normal context to deal with the dial plan
i don’t know if this is still required, but the i use the “_” to store the number dialled in the ${EXTEN} channel variable so that i can use it later in the dialplan. it’s always worked for me, so until told otherwise, i guess that’s how i’ll do it.
the use of the underscore is elsewhere in Asterisk for setting variable names at different “levels”.
the example you have there doesn’t use the ${EXTEN} variable, so it shouldn’t make any difference. but you should lose the DigitTimeout and ResponseTimeout in favour of TIMEOUT(digit) and TIMEOUT(response)
the example you have there doesn’t use the ${EXTEN} variable, so it shouldn’t make any difference. but you should lose the DigitTimeout and ResponseTimeout in favour of TIMEOUT(digit) and TIMEOUT(response) [/quote]