I’m kind of new to asterisk and am trying to understand how to make a dialplan. Our hardphones display 2 lines for callerid. By default both lines show the phone number of the caller. I want the first line to say which line its calling and the second line to be the callers phone number.
[quote]Toll Free 1
I tried this:
[quote]exten => 9999999999,1,SetCallerId(Toll Free 1)
exten => 9999999999,2,Dial(SIP/1004,20)
exten => 9999999999,3,VoiceMail(1004@default)
exten => 9999999999,4,PlayBack(vm-goodbye)
exten => 9999999999,5,Wait(2)
exten => 9999999999,6,HangUp()[/quote]
and I get this:
[quote]Toll Free 1
How do I change the 2nd line from “Asterisk” to the callers phone number?