Dial Plan

Hi all,
I’m facing a problem…

To explain, here is my extensions.conf for the SIP/4000 :

exten => 4000,1,AGI(work/checkBefore.agi)
exten => 4000,3,DBGet(temp=TIME/${CALLERIDNUM})
exten => 4000,5,Dial(SIP/4000,,L(${temp}:30000:10000))
exten => 4000,6,GotoIf($["4000-${DIALSTATUS}" = "ANSWER"]?7:8)
exten => 4000,7,AGI(work/checkAfter.agi)
exten => 4000,8,Hangup()

If the Called phone answers, asterisk is not going trough the priority 6, 7 or 8…
If the call fails, it works…

Some has any ideas ?

PS : sorry for my english…

If it can help :

Executing AGI("SIP/4000-081c9ec8", "work/checkBefore.agi") in new stack
    -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/work/checkBefore.agi
    -- AGI Script Executing Application: (DBput) Options: (TIME/4000=1428571)
    -- DBput: family=TIME, key=4000, value=1428571
    -- AGI Script work/checkBefore.agi completed, returning 0
    -- Executing DBget("SIP/4000-081c9ec8", "temp=TIME/4000") in new stack
    -- DBget: varname=temp, family=TIME, key=4000
    -- DBget: set variable temp to 1428571
    -- Executing Dial("SIP/4000-081c9ec8", "SIP/2000||L(1428571:30000:10000)") in new stack
    -- Limit Data for this call:
    -- - timelimit     = 1428571
    -- - play_warning  = 30000
    -- - play_to_caller= yes
    -- - play_to_callee= no
    -- - warning_freq  = 10000
    -- - start_sound   = UNDEF
    -- - warning_sound = timeleft
    -- - end_sound     = UNDEF
    -- Called 2000
    -- SIP/2000-081d4770 is ringing
    -- SIP/2000-081d4770 answered SIP/4000-081c9ec8

 == Spawn extension (international, 2000, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/4000-081c9ec8'

Nothing else after that… :confused:

i think you should look at the ‘h’ priority for continuing after a hangup, and maybe DeadAGI for the AGI script too.

Exactly what i need, thank a lot…

Is there the same thing for before dial ???

no need, regular AGI works for that. it’s only once you hangup a channel you need to reference the ‘h’ priority.