Dial Multiple Numbers using Local Channel in asterisk

Hello all,

I am originating an call using local channel and then connects an call to play some Ivr and hung up.
But I want to dial multiple numbers at same time using local channel and then connects the answered calls to play an ivr from dialplan …
Is this possible If so what would be the syntax of doing this?

Anyone help me?

I don’t see the relecance of local channels/

Is this SIP?

Are the called device only one hop away?

Do they support some form of auto-answer header?

Do you want them to auto-answer?

Is the “I” in IVR incorrect in this case?

You might be looking at a combination of Origanate Page and the relevant add header function.

No They don’t want to auto-answer

Ivr is incorrect I need to play an ivr after the number has been answered by an person

I am using originate command as
channel Originate Local/notify@notification extension notify@notification

exten => notify,1,Dial(sip/91xxxxxxx@mytrunk &sip/91xxxxxxx@mytrunk)
exten => notify,n,Playback(12345.wav)

The above doesn’t initiate the call to the first number but initiate 2 calls to the second number mentioned in the dial plan

I think you will need to call originate separately for each destination

I had already originated separately but i need to work on this

could you please give me the method to make it possible?

Originate to the device and use playback as the action.

The only time you place Playback after Dial is when you wnat the incoming channel to receive a mesage when the call to the outgoing one fails.

You do not need a local channel, just go straight to originates to the destinations.

You seem to be under the misaprehension that Dial returns after the number has been called. It doesn’t return until the whole outgoing call has completed.

I would suggest you to use AMI Originate action to full fill your requirement.
Or you can use below asterisk dialplan and modify it according to your requirement .

exten => 333,1,Originate(Local/extension@context/n,exten,context2,extension2,priority)

In this example first extension & context is the extension and call context to which you want to originate the call. context2 & extension2 is using where you want to redirect the call once the originated channel will be answered.

Hi @chayankumar91 I am using AMI originate for the dial application
using below originate command
Originate Local/s@origination extension s@answering

exten=> s,1,verbose( calling to ${EXTEN})
same=> n,Dial(sip/91XXXXXXXXXX@mytrunk,60,g) ;trunk to use

exten => s,1,Playback(welcome)

This one is working but i am unable to dial multiple numbers at once

Using a local channel adds no value over directly originating to SIP91XXXXXXXXX@mytrunk, given you are no acutally using the g option.

To call multiple destination, invoke AMI Originate (in asynchronous mode, for all of them.

Yes @david551 I am not actually using the g option

As you said,I had set asynchronous mode to true in AMI originate it dials to the destination and fast but not simultaneous.

Is this possible to dial 50-100 simultaneous calls to the destination using the above method?

Thanks @david551 in advance .

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