./configure Asterisk: --disable-g722-codec --disable-g711-codec?


I’m just about to build Asterisk 20.10.0. In the output of ./configure I noticed the following lines:

checking for embedded pjproject (may have to download)... configuring
[pjproject]  Verifying /tmp/pjproject-2.14.1.tar.bz2
[pjproject]  Verify successful
[pjproject]  Unpacking /tmp/pjproject-2.14.1.tar.bz2
[pjproject]  Applying patches /root/asterisk/asterisk-20.10.0/third-party/pjproject/patches /root/asterisk/asterisk-20.10.0/third-party/pjproject/source
[pjproject]  Applying user.mak
[pjproject]  Rebuilding
[pjproject]  Applying custom include file patches/asterisk_malloc_debug.h
[pjproject]  Applying custom include file patches/config_site.h
[pjproject]  Configuring with --with-ssl --prefix=/opt/pjproject --disable-speex-codec --disable-speex-aec --disable-bcg729 --disable-gsm-codec --disable-ilbc-codec --disable-l16-codec --disable-g722-codec --disable-g7221-codec --disable-opencore-amr --disable-silk --disable-opus --disable-video --disable-v4l2 --disable-sound --disable-ext-sound --disable-sdl --disable-libyuv --disable-ffmpeg --disable-openh264 --disable-ipp --disable-libwebrtc --disable-upnp --without-external-pa --without-external-srtp --disable-resample --disable-g711-codec --enable-epoll
checking for bundled pjproject... yes

Why does ist say

--disable-g722-codec [...] --disable-g711-codec


Aren’t these relevant codecs? Or are these parts of PJSIP just not used in Asterisk?
Can you explain the meaning of this to me?

In my configuration, allow is g722,alaw,ulaw and disallow is all for my endpoints.
So I’ll need G.711 alaw and G.722. Will I have to manually enable these codecs as part of the configure/make process?

Thank you!

Asterisk does not use the media stack of PJSIP, so such functionality is disabled.

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