can somebody help me out with this?
i already successfully installed zaptel 1.2 and libpri 1.2…
now the problem i encountered here is there was an error message prompted when i tried to type this command:
here is the error prompted:
configure: error: termcap support not found
make: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 1
how will i get through with this?
Did you upgraded the kernal headers .
hey Suresh,
what do you mean upgrade the kernel headers?
is this stuff really needed?
and how will i go about it?
— Regill
Yes , it’s required. First let me know which OS you are using for Asteris pbx.
If you are using Debian try for this apt-get install libncurses5-dev it may solve your proble,
am using fedora6 here…
how will i go about with this now?
Need to install libncurses5-dev on your system. Search Fedora knowledge base about how to do this if you don’t already know.
problem resolved already…
thanks though!!!
Wonderful. You can change the title to [resolved] by editing the original posting. This helps other people’s search.