This is most likely because you haven’t installed the gcc-c++ library. I forget what they call it on CentOS but a “yum search gcc” or “yum search cpp” should return the correct library in the list somewhere.
You don’t necessarily need all of them, for example, no need for php or mysql if you’re not installing freepbx, no need for ruby if you’re not installing adhearsion, no need for unixODBC or mysql if you’re not setting up asterisk to use the database server, etc.
You don’t necessarily need all of them, for example, no need for php or mysql if you’re not installing freepbx, no need for ruby if you’re not installing adhearsion, no need for unixODBC or mysql if you’re not setting up asterisk to use the database server, etc.[/quote]
Glad to help.
A bit of that stuff is general tools that aren’t installed by default, or that may have been deselected for some reason or another. Some is needed to download and extract stuff you want to build (for example tar, bzip2, wget & subversion) and others are just to make life easier on an admin (i.e. mlocate, nmap, screen, etc.) Other things, like gcc, ncurses, libtermcap, kernel-devel, gcc, openssl, & libtool are required for building certain parts of asterisk.
That line comes straight from my own documentation. Yeah, it is a bit on the unordered side, but at least it gets you where you’re going.
Thanks for pointing out the GTK thing, makes me want to build another box to see what’s missing from my documentation.