channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock!

channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock!

This is the error message I have lately… everything still works fine, but since I had problems in the past with a similar error message;

[i]Aug 26 20:57:33 ERROR[2684]: chan_sip.c:11325 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/!
Aug 26 20:57:33 ERROR[2684]: chan_sip.c:11326 sipsock_read: SIP MESSAGE JUST IGNORED: ACK
Aug 26 20:57:33 ERROR[2684]: chan_sip.c:11327 sipsock_read: BAD! BAD! BAD!

And then when I typed ‘show channels’, I saw:
Aug 26 20:57:42 WARNING[4160]: channel.c:787 channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for ‘0x977e8f0’, 10 retries! [/i]
And then I was unable to make a call…

I fixed this problem by replacing the server…

But today I was in CLI, just looking around when I saw this error message scrolling:

channel_find_locked: Avoided initial deadlock!

So I’m confuse and scare! … I don’t want this problem to degenerate like the other one… What could have cause such an error message?

Is it possible that my Dell PowerEdge server has difficulties to handle the load? (We have 2 Pri’s and we use Ulaw!)…

Any of you guys have an idea?