Chan_gsm_bt is a module for Asterisk PABX. It allows to diall or receive calls from GSM network via a bluetooth GSM.
This project is a fork of chan_gsm. It’s name is chan_gsm_bt. We have corrected many bugs and we have created a database of tested phones.
Please try our project and post your results in the website database.
[size=150]Project page:[/size]
This project is based on the chan_bluetooth project by Theo Zourzouvillys. It focuses on public network access through a gsm handset (which was called the AG profile in chan_bluetooth).
The aim is to help further developpement of that project by collecting test results, fixing bugs and getting it working with various handsets, in order to get it ready for production use.
The site is currently under construction, but it’s already possible to submit and browse the results database. A list of the changes we’ve made and the patches will be available soon.
can you tell how to install this channel in asterisk? I what to try this. I have a Qtek 9090 and a Moterola Mpx220 but i do’nt kwow how te install it. Maby sambody have a intruction?
What I did was the following:
- get Asterisk 1.2.5 source code and unpack it
- put the chan_gsm_bt.c file into the asterisk-1.2.5/channels directory
- patch the Makefile and channels/Makefile with the following patch
--- channels/Makefile 2005-12-15 11:52:30.000000000 +0100
+++ channels/Makefile 2006-03-25 16:39:45.000000000 +0100
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
ifneq (${OSARCH},CYGWIN)
# if you really, really want to use these drivers, uncomment the line below
@@ -184,6 +185,8 @@
ringtone.h: gentone
./gentone ringtone 440 480
+chan_gsm_bt.o: chan_gsm_bt.c
chan_oss.o: chan_oss.c busy.h ringtone.h
chan_alsa.o: chan_alsa.c busy.h ringtone.h
Only in asterisk-1.2.5-patched/doc: api
diff -ru asterisk-1.2.5/Makefile asterisk-1.2.5-patched/Makefile
--- Makefile 2006-03-03 18:13:37.000000000 +0100
+++ Makefile 2006-03-25 18:57:16.000000000 +0100
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@
ifeq ($(OSARCH),Linux)
- LIBS+=-ldl -lpthread -lncurses -lm -lresolv #-lnjamd
+ LIBS+=-ldl -lpthread -lncurses -lm -lresolv -lbluetooth #-lnjamd
LIBS+=-lncurses -lm
- make sure that you have bluez-libs installed (or bluez-devel)
- run make && make install
- added a /etc/asterisk/bluetooth.conf file
; Channel we listen on as a HS (Headset)
rfchannel_hs = 3
; hci interface to use (number - e.g '0')
interface = 0
[insert your BT address here, e.g. 00:11:22:33:44:55]
name = Razor
channel = 3
autoconnect = yes
context = bluetooth-in
- added the following simple dialplan for a single SIP telephone and the mobile phone for dialing in and out
static = yes
writeprotect = yes
exten => _0X.,1,Dial(BLT/Razor/${EXTEN:1}, ${TIMEOUT}, R)
exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/tel, ${TIMEOUT})
exten => 101,1,Dial(SIP/tel, ${TIMEOUT})
include => bluetooth-out
On my box that forwards all incoming calls to ext 101 which is the SIP phone and routes all outgoing calls from the SIP phone via the mobile phone. The dialplan requires a leading zero for outgoing calls.
I’ve tested this with a Motorola Razor V3.
I hope this helps
is this limitted to gsm networks, or is it using some sort of standard bluetooth link that might work on a us based bluetooth handset on a non-gsm network such as Verizon (my interest), or others (Sprint, etc.)?
I’ve installed this channel and works well, with my Motorola V3.
The audio quality is excellent.
I have just a random problem with one side of the audio, who not connect properly.
Sometimes I’m having a big noise in the reception side (extension) and on the other side people can hear very well.
Cel–>Cell Network–>MyCell->BT->Ast-1.2.6–>ext(with noise)
Cel(audio OK)<-Cell Network<–MyCell<-BT<-Ast-1.2.6<–ext
Anyone has this problem too?
Is there any way to fix it?
I’m having Asterisk 1.2.6 and CentOS 4.3 with Kernel 2.6.9-34
Im trying to get the bluetooth bit to work and have a small problem.
Im using asterisk 1.2.6 and have added the patch and recompiled asterisk.
on fc3.
The bluetooth usb device is detected by zaptel and seems to be working. I can scan for devices using hcitool scan etc.
When I start Asterisk Asterisk keeps trying to pair with the nokia phone but the password i have set in /etc/bluetooth/pass is not reconised so the pairing fails. Where should the password be set and do you need to do anything to the files in /etc/bluetooth.
check at hcid.conf in /etc/bluetooth/ and you will find a part name “Pin Helper” this is where you define the location of the PIN.
I use to had problems with that part too.
I followed the “” how to, and it was very quick and with out problems.
The only issue it was the audio piece sometimes.
Hope this helps
Thanks for the info. pair password now all ok.
I have it working with one usb bluetooth stick and a Nokia.
Does anyone know if you could use
4 usb bluetooth dongles with a nokia on each ?..
Idon’t know if you can put 4 USB
I think it is most related to OS.
Please, what Nokia phone model are you using?
Do you have any audio issues randomly?
I use to have some audio problem with my Motorola V3, in the audio channel going in to asterisk.
Please let me know if you have this issue with this Nokia model,
Idon’t know if you can put 4 USB
I think it is most related to OS.
Please, what Nokia phone model are you using?
Do you have any audio issues randomly?
I use to have some audio problem with my Motorola V3, in the audio channel going in to asterisk.
Please let me know if you have this issue with this Nokia model,
i have tried 4 usb bluetooth adaptors and 4 nokia 6310 but all seemed to disconnect from the asterisk 1.2.6 server all the time. On looking at the chan-gsm documents at this time it only supports 1 phone. On testing asterisk with 1 usb bluetooth adaptor and a nokia 6310 everything seems ok. I need to test the mobile a bit more next week as our asterisk box will be in use in oround 2 weeks in our office.
I will let you know if we have any voice problems.
thanks, if everything is OK in your installation, I have to look for a NOKIA 6310. 
Thanks for the info. pair password now all ok.
I have it working with one usb bluetooth stick and a Nokia.
Does anyone know if you could use
4 usb bluetooth dongles with a nokia on each ?..
U can use the same USB-stick with serveral mobile phones. U can use more then one channel at the same time. So just add a mobile device in your bluetooth.conf file and try again. If its not working for the first time, use another channel!
I have issue with chan_gsm_bt where it would reject 4th call all the time.
Otherwise it works ok i guess.
changsmbt: Are you available to fix the issue if the bounty is raised?
[quote=“changsmbt”]Chan_gsm_bt is a module for Asterisk PABX. It allows to diall or receive calls from GSM network via a bluetooth GSM.
This project is a fork of chan_gsm. It’s name is chan_gsm_bt. We have corrected many bugs and we have created a database of tested phones.
Please try our project and post your results in the website database.
[size=150]Project page:[/size]
I’ve posted a bounty on to fix up chan_gsm_bt
Any takers?
can this support sms sending and receiving fuctionality?