Call from to extension rejected because extension not found


I can only make with my Asterisk & AsteriksNOW GUI installation inbound calls, and can’t make outbound, then i’ll get this error:
NOTICE[14861] chan_sip.c: Call from ‘6001’ to extension ‘0031650834703’ rejected because extension not found.

I have a voipbuster SIP account, which is registered in the Asterisk Trunk. How can i fix this? Where do i need to make changes?

Kind regards,

Correct your sip.conf and or extensions.* file, or get your service provider to configure their system properly.

We definitely need to see the verbose CLI output. We probably need to see the relevant part of the diaplan. We may need to see the relevant part of sip.conf, both incoming and outgoing sides.

Note that the most likely problems are either that the incoming channel isn’t assigned to the correct context or that you don’t have a correct first parameter in the dialplan for the context.

[quote=“david55”]Correct your sip.conf and or extensions.* file, or get your service provider to configure their system properly.

We definitely need to see the verbose CLI output. We probably need to see the relevant part of the diaplan. We may need to see the relevant part of sip.conf, both incoming and outgoing sides.[/quote]

Thanks for your answer, i installed asterisk myself on my linux server.

How can i show you my verbose CLI output? what command do i have to execute?

I made a screenshot of the sip.conf in AsteriksNow:

Further a screenshot of DialPlan in AsteriksNow:

And my Callingrule:

Or do you want me to post my Sip.conf and extensions.conf?


There is a specific forum for AsteriskNow. Advice you will get here assumes command line access.

To get verbose output, connect to the command line console and issue core set verbose 3, or use -vvvv when starting it.

The context can, and normally should, be set in the relevant user section in sip.conf.

Give or take the effects of using AsteriskNow, it looks like your dialplan only recognizes single digit numbers. As recorded in extensions.conf, the pattern will need to be, at least, “_X.”