Boomerang / echo INVITE request

Hi all,

In my test environment I have:

  • asterisk phone server
  • softphone1
  • softphone2

The test: softphone1 calls softphone2

Is it normal, that the calling softphone1 gets an echo INVITE request from the asterisk phone server?

Thanks and best regards

If you configure it to do so. As you have not provided any console output, configuration, or SIP logging then nothing else can be said.

I don’t understand the phrase “echo INVITE request”. The caller may receive a re-INVITE for several different reasons, including setting up direct media, updating connected line ID, or setting up, and maintaining, session timers. However, this INVITE will differ from the initial INVITE in that it will have both From and To tags, the CSeq header will differ, and it will have tags on both From and To headers.

Many thanks for your time!

you are right, the requests are different, on the left the one we send out and on the right the ??echo?? invite

does this INVITE request on the right change anything in the communication flow in that case??
could be ignored also???

Really you should compare it with the 200 OK. However the address in the c= line differs from that in the o= one, so I would say it was setting up direct media.

i was not aware of this function … the sip library does response with an 200 OK
… solved for me … many thanks

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