ı want to develop a audio stream from live call to another application via tcp. I’m using Asterisk 13.26.0 and phpagi for agi library. When asterisk receives a call, I’m sending it to agi with EAGI(eagi_test.php) command in dialplan. After this, I couldn’t figure out how to get live audio from channel.
When I check the phpagi file, I found a property named audio but, When I get the dump of the property, It returns false. Here is an example of my agi code and the cli result;
#!/usr/bin/php -q
require 'phpagi.php';
$agi = new AGI();
$agi->verbose("PID: ".getmypid());
$agi->verbose("AUDIO: ".json_encode([$agi->audio]));
Asterisk CLI
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/eagi_test.php
eagi_test.php: PID: 688052
eagi_test.php: AUDIO: [false]
Note: I’ve also tried to get audio with fread and fgets but, When I’ve done that, agi keeps runing and fread or fgets returns nothing.