Asterisk will not accept incoming calls

Hi all, I have a problem receiving calls on asterisk. I have an ip phone (7007) and several (OUTx) ip phones that need to communicate. 7007 uses standard user pass authentication and the OUTx’s don’t use authentication at all. regardless of whom i try to call from any of the endpoints, im getting auth errors from asterisk. How can I fix these configurations to allow this system to operate?


type = endpoint
context = internal
allow = all
aors = 7007
auth = auth7007
;dtmf_mode = rfc2833

type = aor
max_contacts = 1


type = endpoint
context = internal
allow = all
aors = OUT1
;dtmf_mode = rfc2833

type = aor
contact = sip:4008@

type = endpoint
context = from-external
allow = all
aors = OUT2
;dtmf_mode = rfc2833

type = aor
contact = sip:1@

type = endpoint
context = internal
allow = all
aors = OUT3
;dtmf_mode = rfc2833

type = aor
contact = sip:4010@



What is in the From header from, for example, OUT1? Why, given you know the address, are you not using type=identify?

You are probably going to be asked for “pjsip set logger on” type logs.

on wireshark, the from field is: sip:4008@

You have neither an endpoint called 4008, nor a type=identify with match= How do you expect the correct endpoint to be identified?

Honestly I’m very new to this and have trouble finding documentation to help. I would appreciate it if you could show me how you would set up OUT1, if thats ok.

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