Asterisk phone unavailability

I have two phones which are unreachable by Asterisk. 701 and 702. Registration passes but phones cannot be contacted by Asterisk. Both phones are behind NAT and each is in it’s own network. I Have other phones in same networks which are working fine. E.g. Asterisk sees them and are reachable.

Contact: 701/sip:701@ b0348d5ada NonQual nan
Contact: 702/sip:702@ acd1b6fe3f Unavail nan

Objects found: 4

-- Contact 701/sip:701@ is now Unreachable.  RTT: 0.000 msec
-- Added contact 'sip:701@' to AOR '701' with expiration of 60 seconds
-- Removed contact 'sip:701@' from AOR '701' due to remove existing

== Contact 701/sip:701@ has been deleted

I see in log that Asterisk is having trouble with AOR.

Phones are working over UDP for registration and when making calls. I am curious what checks Asterisk does to see if phones are reacheable or not ? Idea is to verify each of this checks to see where problem lies.

701 doesn’t appear to have qualify enabled on its AOR, so no reachability check is done. Asterisk would just attempt to send a call.

702 has qualify enabled on its AOR, which will result in Asterisk sending a SIP OPTIONS to it. If a response is received it is considered available. If no response it is considered unavailable.

I would suggest showing the configuration.