Asterisk no longer allow connection via AMI

In my user section of my manager.conf file.

I replaced the bindaddr from to


bindaddr =

I saved and did telnet like usual. Now it works with the response “Connection accepted” and I can see all the AMI events.

But my web interface using the Python framework now gives “connection refused error” Maybe cos I changed the bindaddr value from the Web IP address to

Now it suddenly works after putting two permit statement in the [matthew] section


Please do you think it just works luckily cos I want to know the problem so I can log it when next I see something like this

Not sure why it was restricted, but is much too permissive. You should have

@david551 Okay I will do the change on the

To set another property that can be accessible via the AMI. All I need do is to set

same => n,Set(CHANNEL(email)=${user_email})

in the extensions.conf file

Am I right?

AMI can access ${user_email} directly.

The ${CHANNEL()} function has no option called “email”, so trying to set it will fail.