suppose i am want to setup two asterisk boxes in two different private networks and want make call between two sip user of them then how can i do this. Each private network has a Nat router with a public ip.
can anyone help me?
suppose i am want to setup two asterisk boxes in two different private networks and want make call between two sip user of them then how can i do this. Each private network has a Nat router with a public ip.
can anyone help me?
go read the wiki at voip-info.org/ … look for “dual asterisk” IIRC. that should be all you need.
thanx, i have taken an understanding about that.
Now i know that it is possible to do with IAX. but the server (Asterisk box)
should at the publect ip but i want to set the following network.it is possible to do
±---------- +
| sip client ±------- v
±---------- + ±------+ ±----+
Asterisk <---->| Nat +<–>|nat +<----->asterisk
±---------- + Box ±----- + ±----+
| sip clint ±------- ^
±---------- +
where the sip client, asterisk has private ip and the Nats have public ip.
I want to transmit call from private network though the nat to a client of the another private network.
if any one can give idea about that then please help me.