Asterisk ARI Getting-Started-with-ARI initial connection 404s

I’m attempting to follow Overview - Asterisk Documentation to get started with ARI and it’s not going well.

I’ve matched my Asterisk 20.6.0 config to the guide exactly:

$ cat http.conf
enabled = yes
bindaddr =

$ cat ari.conf 
enabled = yes 
pretty = yes 

type = user
read_only = no
password = asterisk

The guide gives the following example:

$ wscat -c "ws://localhost:8088/ari/events?api_key=asterisk:asterisk&app=hello-world"
connected (press CTRL+C to quit)

However I get 404:

$ wscat -c "ws://"
error: Unexpected server response: 404
[Feb 16 01:53:31] DEBUG[112]: http.c:1958 httpd_helper_thread: HTTP opening session.  Top level
[Feb 16 01:53:31] DEBUG[112]: http.c:1417 handle_uri: HTTP Request URI is /ari/events?api_key=asterisk:asterisk&app=hello-world 
[Feb 16 01:53:31] DEBUG[112]: http.c:1472 handle_uri: match request [ari/events] with handler [httpstatus] len 10
[Feb 16 01:53:31] DEBUG[112]: http.c:1472 handle_uri: match request [ari/events] with handler [ari] len 3
[Feb 16 01:53:31] DEBUG[112]: http.c:1488 handle_uri: Match made with [ari]
[Feb 16 01:53:31] DEBUG[112]: res_ari.c:507 ast_ari_invoke: Finding handler for events
[Feb 16 01:53:31] DEBUG[112]: res_ari.c:514 ast_ari_invoke:   Finding handler for events
[Feb 16 01:53:31] DEBUG[112]: res_ari.c:544 ast_ari_invoke:   Handler not found for events
[Feb 16 01:53:31] DEBUG[112]: http.c:568 ast_http_send: HTTP keeping session open.  status_code:404
[Feb 16 01:53:31] DEBUG[112]: http.c:2015 httpd_helper_thread: HTTP closing session.  Top level

I’ve enabled all modules in modules.conf. I don’t know this API or websockets well enough to do deep dive troubleshooting. Please advise.

This is a config issue. If I start Asterisk after running make samples with absolutely 0 modifications beyond what’s required to enable ari it works. But I’m struggling to figure out what it’s missing in my real install.

[astvarlibdir]/rest-api/events.json exists. I’m unable to determine what it’s looking for with core set verbose 4, core set debug 4, ari set debug all on, or even strace on the faulted install.

[pid 4101026] write(1, "[Feb 16 02:26:38] \33[1;32mDEBUG\33[0m[182]: \33[1;37mres_ari.c\33[0m:\33[1;37m507\33[0m \33[1;37mast_ari_invoke\33[0m: Finding handler for events\n", 131) = 131
[pid 4101026] rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, ~[],  <unfinished ...>
[pid 4101026] <... rt_sigprocmask resumed>[HUP INT PIPE TERM WINCH], 8) = 0
[pid 4101026] getpid( <unfinished ...>
[pid 4101026] <... getpid resumed>)     = 36
[pid 4101026] tgkill(36, 36, SIGURG <unfinished ...>
[pid 4101026] <... tgkill resumed>)     = 0
[pid 4101026] rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [HUP INT PIPE TERM WINCH],  <unfinished ...>
[pid 4101026] <... rt_sigprocmask resumed>NULL, 8) = 0
[pid 4101026] write(1, "[Feb 16 02:26:38] \33[1;32mDEBUG\33[0m[182]: \33[1;37mres_ari.c\33[0m:\33[1;37m514\33[0m \33[1;37mast_ari_invoke\33[0m:   Finding handler for events\n", 133 <unfinished ...>
[pid 4101026] <... write resumed>)      = 133
[pid 4101026] rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, ~[],  <unfinished ...>
[pid 4101026] <... rt_sigprocmask resumed>[HUP INT PIPE TERM WINCH], 8) = 0
[pid 4101026] getpid( <unfinished ...>
[pid 4101026] <... getpid resumed>)     = 36
[pid 4101026] tgkill(36, 36, SIGURG <unfinished ...>
[pid 4101026] <... tgkill resumed>)     = 0
[pid 4101026] rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [HUP INT PIPE TERM WINCH],  <unfinished ...>
[pid 4101026] <... rt_sigprocmask resumed>NULL, 8) = 0
[pid 4101026] write(1, "[Feb 16 02:26:38] \33[1;32mDEBUG\33[0m[182]: \33[1;37mres_ari.c\33[0m:\33[1;37m544\33[0m \33[1;37mast_ari_invoke\33[0m:   Handler not found for events\n", 135 <unfinished ...>

It’s a module loading issue.

Figured it out. I need these modules in this order:

load = res_http_websocket
load =
load =
load =
load =
load =
load =
load = ; for 
load =
load =
load =
load =
load =
load =
load =
load =
load =
load =
load =
load =
load =
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This is a life saver for me. The last “module.conf” entries got the same problem solved!

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