That’s exactly where I got the problem - escaping into a shell. Haven’t dug deep into it. Simply remember to go in and kill that runaway “asterisk” as soon as you notice the death of login. In fact, much of the time, my last ssh session was still open so I only needed to kill that sshd.
I fugured the way to start. /etc/rc.d/init.d/aterisk start - i did not see at anywhere on the web, so i’m not sure if this is the right way to start asterisk… does anybody know?
i do not have file “asterisk” in my /etc/rc.d/init.d anymore… i dont’ know why… i tried reinstalling asterisk but file is showing up… very strange… what’s the alternatives to start asterisk?
make configure will install the RC file. Many people think that safe_asterisk (and the RC file) is too unsafe. But they do not seem to cause the escape shell issue. Must be something in the escape code.