Asterisk 1.8 Performance Issues

Hi Guys

Having major issues with asterisk versions above 1.4 with high call performance.

I am using sipp to debug and make test calls. I see the calls finish on sipp, I see asterisk respond to the bye message sipp sends, however it takes a few seconds after that for asterisk to clear the channel. when I do sip show channels I see more than should be open.

After a while the number of calls goes up and up and eventually the system blocks up and I see hundreds of the following message scroll up the screen.

__sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog '

Asterisk is running on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit on a HP G5 Blade server with 2 x Quad Core 3.0ghz Zeon processors, 16gb ram and 146gb sas Raid hard drive.

I see others posting results using sipp ov 5000 concurrent calls on 1.8 What am I doing wrong?


Generating calls at too high a rate.

The calls have to kept open for this amount of time because the SIP UAS cannot be sure that the OK for thy BYE has got through. The behaviour is intended.

5000 calls is pushing things - you are at risk of running out of file descriptors - but providing you don’t continually terminate and restart them, you should be able to achieve it. It is a difference between erlangs and busy hour call attempts.

Hi David

Thanks for the response.

I am not getting anywhere near 5000 calls.

I am having issues at 20 Calls per second which are all 15 second calls which all complete.

This results in 300 concurrent calls. This is a long way from the 5000 other have obtained.


You need to work out which resource you are running out of.

Note that people who manage 5000 calls, are probably either not generating media or have direct media enabled.


I am not generating media. It is SIPP testing with no rtp stream.

I cannot see any resources running out.

My CPU load is minimal and also the Memory usage is less than a gig.

The only difference I can see between 1.4 and 1.8 is that in 1.4 the core show channels is roughly the same as the total number of calls showing in Sipp give or take 1-2 calls.
On 1.8 I see the total number of calls grow from 300 upto nearly 1000 which is when things start going naywire.


Also this is running on same hardware, same setup as 1.4 which I see 100cps and 1500 concurrent calls with no issues.


Anyone got any ideas on this?

Is really driving me up the wall.
