Asterisk 1.6 GUI

I have installed asterisk GUI and I can not access it from the browser
I can access the index.html file from /var/lib/asterisk/static-http/index.html but I can not do anything from that login screen
I’m using ubuntu 9.10 and firefox to access the link

Please HELP


i think you should put in the ip address of your asterisk server at the addredd field of the browser on another pc to assess it.

I did that as well and I still can not access it… I get page not found on both the computer running asterisk and another comp on my network

remember the gui usually runs on port 8088 if you set it up with most of the guides on the internet…

you would put x.x.x.x:8088

Thanks for the quick responses

the checkconfig command for the gui setup tells me to use “http://macbook:8088/asterisk/static/config/index.html” w/o quotes of course… The name of my computer is macbook but I am running ubuntu 9.10

When I enter that address into the address field I get "The requested URL was not found on this server."
Asterisk Server

So that tells me the asterisk server is broadcasting correctly but not directing me to the files I need, Am I correct in assuming this???

Once again thank you for your time!!!



Bump again

yes that “http://ipaddressofasteriskmachine:8088/asterisk/static/config/index.html” is right when you installed the asterisk-gui it would have told you how to access the gui, it even says it in the howto to install it the gui. Btw I dont think the gui is being developed anymore. I think digium went the route of freepbx gui…I am not sure though, I prefer editing the files myself.

The problem with editing the files myself is some of the guides online say different things and it took me like 3 days just to get sip softphones to register but now they cant dial eachother so I was figuring maybe the GUI would make this process a little easier and then I cld go and look at the config files and see how they should look

I have used trixbox 2.6 and 2.8 but I’m just really trying to understand asterisk and how all the stuff works

If you know of any good how to guides please post the link