ARI - move between applications and CEL

I’m using CEL to track events from channels, with the Stasis application filter, and the APP_START and APP_END event.
With one Stasis application, it seems to work very well (I get in my DB via odbc_adaptive the app start/end events).
Now, I want to use multiples Stasis applications, and move them with the ARI Channel API (Asterisk 19 Channels REST API - Asterisk Project - Asterisk Project Wiki). The move is ok, I can see the channel pass through my stasises, but I have only one APP_START/APP_END event, with the name of the first Stasis, the end event timestamp showing the time when the channel leave the last Stasis application (wich is different from where the channel arrives first).
For know, I’m using “continueInDialplan”, with a label for each stasis application but move channels (Stasis Improvements: Goodbye Dialplan! ⋆ Asterisk) between applications seems to be a better approach (Isn’t it a goal of ARI to simplify the dialplan?). Is it possible to have the APP_START and APP_END events for each different Stasis, to track the channel path between applications, or I am missing something ?
Is it a good or bad practice to switch between different applications and dialplan multiples times ?

Thank you

APP_START and APP_END is for Asterisk dialplan applications, if you use move within ARI then it never goes back to the dialplan - it all happens within ARI, and thus no CEL events are generated. There’s no way to change this without altering code.

Well, thank you, I should not try to rely on the channel move then. Is using continueInDialplan a good approach to generate billing informations with the CEL’s app start/end events ? Or should I drop this idea, and still use the channel move (dialplan simplification, perhaps better performances), generating events in a user defined table via SQL inserts myself, in each application StasisStart event ?

It’s up to you ultimately.

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