I have been trying to implement AMP on my asterisk IP PBX server for some time now, but keep getting some funny errors that disturb me alot.
I have Installaed a Fedora Core 3 linux on my server. I then got the asteriskathome zipped files from the Asterisk@Home iso file and ran only the install_parts.sh as the install_all and install will not work for me here. (sine I am not using a Cent OS).
Now here is lit.
If i use the default MYSQL database (version 3.23), I keep getting the following errors. '[nativecode] cant connect to mysql at /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock mysql://asteriskuser:amp109@localhost’
I then tried upgrading my MYSQL database to 5.0, then d error now is that AMP refuses to install my admin directory at /var/www/html. I have tried it 3 times before sending this message. is this from AMP or what.
Or you could just download AMP and use the install doc to install asterisk and AMP. It was easy to get running on FC3 just be sure to disable selinux.
hi jasonha,
Please how do i disable selinux in my box. I am still having the same problem using only AMP. here is the error i am getting “[nativecode=Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock’ (13)] ** mysql://asteriskuser:amp109@localhost/asterisk”. or what do u think can cause this type of error.
I did a little troubleshooting and find out that in my db_connect.php inside my var/www/http/admin/common made reference to a file called DB.php. But this file doesn’t exist anywhere. can this be the problem?