cypbxCLI> show application dbget
-= Info about application ‘DBget’ =-
Retrieve a value from the database
DBget(varname=family/key[|options]): This application will retrieve a value
from the Asterisk database and store it in the given variable.
j - Jump to priority n+101 if the requested family/key isn’t found.
This application sets the following channel variable upon completion:
DBGETSTATUS - This variable will contain the status of the attempt
This application has been deprecated in favor of the DB function.
cypbxCLI> show application DB
Your application(s) is (are) not registered
cypbxCLI> show function DB
-= Info about function ‘DB’ =-
Read from or write to the Asterisk database
This function will read from or write a value to the Asterisk database. On a
read, this function returns the corresponding value from the database, or blank
if it does not exist. Reading a database value will also set the variable
DB_RESULT. If you wish to find out if an entry exists, use the DB_EXISTS
All you need to know is there or on or they book
I have posted the details of the way that was introduced in 1.2 ie DB it is well documented in the upgrade notes of 1.0 to 1.2 and to 1.4, What I have posted has nothing to do with macros. This is the help pages from asterisk its self. I assume you do use them ?