Hi everyone!
Is wiki server down now?
I couldn’t read online document.
I try add a prefix number ‘3’ to public telephone number when outgoing call from asterisk server.
CTI softwawre phone -> asterisk server -> GW server -> Home GW -> Public telephony network(NTT in Japan) * Home GW don't have SIP server function. * I can connect to public telephony network with GW server. * GW server's product name is 'Primus' that make by japanese company.GW server is required a prefix number(3) when outgoing call.
So I want to add prefix number ‘3’ to telephone number that is inputed from CTI Software phone.
CTI Software phone input: 0412345678
asterisk server call to outside: 30412345678
0411112222: My contract public telephone number from telephony company(NTT in Japan)
0412345678: I want to call this number in outside user public telephone number.
This is now extensions.conf.
But I have to input prefix number ‘3’ add telephone number in CTI software phone when outgoing call.
Could you teach me that I have to change this file?
;;out going call
exten => _1XX,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${MYNUMBER})
exten => _1XX,n,Set(CALLERID(name)=${MYNUMBER})
exten => _1XX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@0411112222,tT)
exten => _1XX,n,Hangup
exten => _3.,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${MYNUMBER})
exten => _3.,n,Set(CALLERID(name)=${MYNUMBER})
exten => _3.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@0411112222,tT)
exten => _3.,n,Hangup