when i open the chrome 53 version and open https://id/sipml5/call.htm. The Javascript console :
YOUR ARE USING DEBUG CODE. PLEASE USE CODE UNDER ‘release’ FOLDER or check https://code.google.com/p/sipml5/wiki/FAQ#How_to_reduce_the_size_of_the_scripts_before_deploying for more information on how to amalgamate the code.
How does not apply to the debug mode.
When I use sipml5 call xlife. Both them run on my computer. They will be able to connect to each other.But couldn’t hear the sound of both parties.
When I caught found both sides only upload udp to asterisk.But asterisk has no return anything.
When I use xlife call sipml 5.The Javascript console :
DOMException: Failed to parse SessionDescription. a=fingerprint:SHA-256 Failed to create fingerprint from the digest.
DOMException: CreateAnswer can’t be called before SetRemoteDescription.
Uncaught TypeError: this.o_local_stream.stop is not a function
When I use sipml5 call sipml5 The Javascript console :The Javascript console :
DOMException: Failed to parse SessionDescription. a=fingerprint:SHA-256 Failed to create fingerprint from the digest. too