6757i connect to switchvox

We have just purchased a switchvox 355 PBX, software 5.1.1
I need to configure the 6757i phones to connect to the Switchvox. I use the Web GUI and set the basic information but the SwitchVox does not see the 6757i. Can anyone help with information on configuring the phone and SwitchVox ?

GJN :neutral_face:

I have connected one 6757i to the SwitchVox PBX and sometime I can call out and other times I get a message all lines are bussy.
A 2nd phone will not connect to the PBX. I have set it up the same as the 1st phone, connects to the network but shows ā€œno serviceā€.
Any ideas?

I have connected the Aastra 6757i phones to the SwitchVox PBX.
If anyone else has issues let me know and I can walk you through the process.


Hi garyn,

I could use some help with this. Iā€™m unable to get the 6757i to connect to switchvox at all.


I have no experience with SwitchVox, but I use 6757i handsets.

Are each of your 6757i handsets reachable on the network? Can you access the web interface on the set?
Are you using a TFTP download of configuration or just a ā€˜localā€™ (on set) config?

I just got 1 6757iCT - it is accessible on the network, and Iā€™ve used the GUI to configure the Screen Name, Phone Number, Authentication Name, and (Phone) Password. I entered the IP & Port of my Switchvox in the Registrar Server field, and restarted the phone. The phone doesnā€™t register with Switchvox and says ā€œNo Serviceā€ on the display.

I figured Iā€™d get it working via the GUI before I delved into TFTP and config files, but Iā€™m not even getting that far.

Thanks for any help.


When you say the ā€˜(Phone) passwordā€™, are you referring to the password on the ā€˜Authentication Nameā€™ field for the line you are configuring or the ā€˜User Passwordā€™. The one under the line setting is the one that is needed for proper registration and should be set to whatever the password is set for in the SwitchVOX software.

I have also found that even if I have ā€˜Authentication Nameā€™ set correctly for the line I am defining, I also have to set the ā€˜Phone Numberā€™ field on that same screen to the same as the Authentication name.

Hope that helps.