Hi, i have a little problem. I have 2 account on 1 SIP provider, when i configure them in my sip.conf, i put them like that:
register = 8199999999:12345@
register = 8668888888:54321@
type = peer
secret = 12345
username = 8199999999
host =
canreinvite = no
insecure = very
qualify = yes
nat = no
context = DID_trunk_1
type = peer
secret = 54321
username = 8668888888
host =
insecure = very
qualify = yes
nat = no
context = DID_trunk_1
The problem i got is when i’m calling anyone of these two account, it ring on the last one registered, this is why i have been obligated to put the sipline1 et sipline2 at the end of the registration. so when i make a call on the 819 account it does this:
-- Executing [sipline1@DID_trunk_1:1] NoOp("SIP/8668888888-005f6820", ""Unknown Name" <8196666666>") in new stack
-- Executing [sipline1@DID_trunk_1:2] Answer("SIP/8668888888-005f6820", "") in new stack
-- Executing [sipline1@DID_trunk_1:3] Ringing("SIP/8668888888-005f6820", "") in new stack
-- Executing [sipline1@DID_trunk_1:4] NoOp("SIP/8668888888-005f6820", "8199999999") in new stack
-- Executing [sipline1@DID_trunk_1:5] NVFaxDetect("SIP/8668888888-005f6820", "4|dt") in new stack
-- Executing [sipline1@DID_trunk_1:6] Dial("SIP/8668888888-005f6820", "LOCAL/700") in new stack
-- Executing [700@default:1] Dial("Local/700@default-ec94,2", "SIP/221&SIP/222&SIP/230|8") in new stack
-- Called 221
-- Called 222
-- Called 230
-- Called 700
It detect the call as if it was originating from the 866 account, but with the sipline1. Adn if i call the 866 account it does that:
-- Executing [sipline2@DID_trunk_1:1] NoOp("SIP/8668888888-005f3cf0", ""Unknown Name" <anonymous>") in new stack
-- Executing [sipline2@DID_trunk_1:2] Answer("SIP/8668888888-005f3cf0", "") in new stack
-- Executing [sipline2@DID_trunk_1:3] Ringing("SIP/8668888888-005f3cf0", "") in new stack
-- Executing [sipline2@DID_trunk_1:4] NoOp("SIP/8668888888-005f3cf0", "8668888888") in new stack
-- Executing [sipline2@DID_trunk_1:5] NVFaxDetect("SIP/8668888888-005f3cf0", "4|dt") in new stack
-- Executing [sipline2@DID_trunk_1:6] Dial("SIP/8668888888-005f3cf0", "LOCAL/700") in new stack
-- Executing [700@default:1] Dial("Local/700@default-bcad,2", "SIP/221&SIP/222&SIP/230|8") in new stack
-- Called 221
-- Called 222
-- Called 230
-- Called 700
It still see it as the 866 account but from sipline2. And when i set up my extension.conf then if i dial 819XXXXXXX, it get the 819 line and get out with it, and if i make a 1XXXXXXX call, it take the 866 line, but when i try the 1XXXXXXX, it say that every time i don’t seem to be able to get out with the 866 line.
-- Executing [18196666666@local:1] Dial("SIP/230-005f2758", "SIP/8668888888/18196666666") in new stack
-- Called 8668888888/18196666666
[Jul 11 03:18:07] WARNING[865]: chan_sip.c:12334 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from '"Martin IP" <sip:230@>;tag=as2639b47b'
-- SIP/8668888888-005f7c80 is circuit-busy
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0)
== Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/230-005f2758' status is 'CONGESTION'
But when i remove one account and use the other, it work perfectly. both one are working good when i only use one at a time. a remove the other one from the sip.conf file and alle is working fine. can someone help me make this work flawlessly thanx!