wrong queue redirect in Webhook Integration via System Calls in Dialplan

i am using "Webhook Integration via System Calls in Asterisk Dialplan"

1- i redirect inbound to custom destination that has a target (exten-webhook,_X.,1)

2- i set exten-webhook in extensions_custom.conf as in the img

3- everything works well, but the queue is not working, it goes to the wrong queue (i guess) although it calls the 2 agents but the agents do not receive it also I set an announcement but it does not play at all, knowing that I only have one queue 500 (created by …

if it is not possible to do it how can I send the request once all call ends inbound or outbound?

Multi-posted at wrong queue redirect in Webhook Integration via System Calls in Dialplan - Configuration - FreePBX Community Forums (no replies yet). As this seems to relate to FreePBX constructts (webhooks, and extensions_custom.conf), I think it is even less likely to get a useful reply here.

Also note that chan_dongle is not part of the Asterisk project and has been abandoned by its developer.

There is a link missing from “Webhook Integration via System Calls in Asterisk Dialplan”, and Google doesn’t reveal what it should be.

I’m surprised that this works. In an extension definition is not matched against _, but rather it introduces a pattern, and X also doesn’t match against _ but only against a digit. Maybe there is a special feature where an extension that looks like a pattern definition is matched against the literal pattern definition, but I don’t think users should be relying on this. Maybe the underscore is just something that looks like an underscore (see note about plain text, below).

There is something missing here.

It looks like the right queue is being invoked, but FreePBX thinks there is a problem with agent 102, and agent 101. I’d guess they are not logged in, but that would be a FreePBX construct, not an Asterisk one.

Note that even the FreePBX forum wants its logs as plain text, and would probably want the complete log for the call. Logs should be taken from the full log file, not from the screen, as there is missing timing information in a screen scrape.

sorry that I put a screenshot but i have a problem copying from UTM VM, to copy it I got it from image to text, knowing that all agents are online, and when I try the queue without a custom destination it works properly, also edit the custom destination to be s,1. about created by I meant the queue created by GUI with announcement and I also sent you the settings of it

my final goal is to send curl to the server

Executing [sCexten-webhook:11 No0p("Dongle/dongle0-0100000022", "go to queue 500") in new stack
Executing [s@exten-webhook:21"") in new stack
Executing [s@exten-webhook:3]
Queue ("Dongle/dong IeB-0100000022",
Started music on hold, class
'default', on channel 'Dongle/dongleB-0100000022'
Called Local/1010from-queue/n
Called Local/1020f rom-queue/n
Executing [1020f rom-queue: 11
Set ("Local/1020from-queue-00000038:2","QAGENT=102" )
in new stack
Executing [1020f rom-queue :21Set ("Local/1020f rom-queue-00000038:2"_FROMQ=true") in new stack
Execut ing [1020from-queue:31 Gotolf ('Localv1020f rom-queue-00000038;2", "1?hangup") in new

* Goto (from-queue, 102,5)
* - Executing [1020f rom-queue:51 Macro ("Local-1020f rom-queue-00000038:2" ,

"hangupcall,") in new stack

Executing [sOmacro-hangupcall:11 NoOp("Local/1020from-queue-00000038:2",

”兴兴托托米米新并新新林新新关养林洪莱米托关*新并*关关** OUErride maCr口 米*兴米托城米关林米兴米我关来我第

in new

[2024-12-15 07:19:031 WARNINGI20321[C-00000025]: pbx_variables.c:756 pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full_location: Error in extension logic (missing


Executing [1010f rom-queue:11 Set ("Local/1010f rom-queue-00000037: 2"

- Executing [1810f rom-queue:21 Set ("Local/1010f rom-queue-00000837: 2"',

"QAGENT=101") in new stack _FROMQ=true") in new stack

Executing [1010from-queue:31 Gotolf ("Local/1010from-queue-00000037;2",

"1?hangup") in new stack

Goto (from-queue, 101,5)

-- Executing [1010f rom-queue:51 Macro ("Local/1010f rom-queue-00000037:2", "hangupcall,") in new stack

Executing [sEmacro-hangupcall:11 NoOp ("Local/1010from-queue-08088037 :2"

"**************************** override macro **************

*****") in new

[20Z4-12-15 ting9:031 WAom-qG[ZB311[C-000000251:1/10_varom-qes.c:7560003_substitute gup"ables he sta full location: Error

in extension 1


* - Goto (from-queue, 101,5)
* - Executing [1010from-queue:51 Macro ("Local/1010f rom-queue-00000037 :2" ,

"hangupcall,") in new stack

-- Executing [sOmacro-hangupca11:11 No0p("Loca1/1010fron-queue-08088837÷2"

"***************************** override macro



(missing '}')

* - Executing [sOmacro-hangupca11:21 Set("Loca1/1020from-queue-00000038:2"
* Executing [sEmacro-hangupcall:31 System "Local/1020from-queue-00000038:2", "curl "
cation=0&status=N0z2BANSWER"") in new stack
[20Z4-12-15 07:19:03] WARNINGIZ031][C-00000025]: pbx_functions.c:460 func_args: Can't find trailing parenthesis for function 'URIENCODECHO ANSWER' ?
Executing [sEmacro-hangupcall:2] Set ("Local/1010from-queue-00000037:2","status=NOz2BANSWER")

L2021-12-15 07:15:051 400M10612051/1C-00000025: pbx_variables.c.rob pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full_location: Error

2022-ExeCuting ismacro-NG pbx pbx Punc Puncargs: Can't find trailing parenthesis for function UREENCODEND ANSWERSing "T

• [sOnacro-hangupca11:2] Set ("Loca1/1020from-queue-00000038:2"

"status=NOz20ANSVER") in new stack


[sEmacro-hangupca11:31 System("Local/1020from-queue-00000038:2"',

"curl "http://19Z.168.100.31:8000/test?type=macro@caller=B1115253217&dest=

ration=0&status=N0z20ANSWER"") in new stack

[2024-12-15 07:19:031 WRNINGC2031][C-00000025]: pbx_functions.c:460 func_args: Can't find trailing parenthesis for function "URIENCODECNO ANS-ER'?

Executing [sOmacro-hangupca11:2] Set ("Local/1010from-queue-00000037:2'

Executing [sEmacro-hangupcall:31 System("Local/1010f rom-queue-00000037;2", "curl "

ration=0&status=N0%20aNSLER"") in new stack

Executing [sEmacro-hangupca11:4] Set ("Local/1020from-queue-00000838:2" ,

Executing [s@app-missedcal1-hangup:11 No0p("Local/1020from-queue-0000003B:2"

- Executing [sPapp-missedcall-hangup No0pC"Loca l/182Bf rom-queue-08888838:2",

"Dialed: s") in new stack


") in new stack

-- Executing [sCapp-missedcall-hangup:31

Gotolf ("Local/1020from-queue-00000038:2", "1?exit") in new stack

Goto (app-missedcall-hangup,s,B)

Executing [sPapp-missedcal1-hangup:8] Retp("1"Loca1/1020fm-queue-e-000000:2",

"Callein new stack

Executing [stapp-missedcall-hangup :31

Gotolf ("Local/1020f rom-queue-00000838:2",

"I?exit") in new stack

Goto (app-missedcall-hangup, s,8)

"1?exit") in new stack

* - Goto (app-missedcall-hangup, s,8)
* - Executing [sCapp-missedcall-hangup:81 Return( "Local/1020from-queue-00000038:2", "') in new stack
* - Executing [sOmacro-hangupca11:61 ExecIf ("Loca1/1020fron-queue-08880038÷2"

e-BB888038:2", y in new stack -", in new stock

"O?Set (CDR(recordingfile)=)")

in new stack

Executing [sOmacro-hangupcall:7]

Hangup ("Loca1/1020from-queue-00000038:2",

i got the problem, i am trying to call queue 500 with no conf because i was confg 500 by GUI. so when I use goto() it is work, but now how can I use queue() with keeping the GUI setting with it?

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