I am listening to ARI events, in the hope of distinguishing when a bridge is created using a simple 2-leg (A to B) call, versus a bridge created when a conference is started. When I compare the ARI messages, I notice a difference in the “bridge_class” attribute:
- When I create a bridge from the dialplan by making a simple A-B call, I see the event type “BridgeCreated” with bridge_class “basic”
- When I create a bridge from the dialplan by joining a conference, I see the event type “BridgeCreated” with bridge_class “base”
- And just out of interest, when I create a bridge using the ARI I see event type “BridgeCreated” with bridge_class “stasis”
I can’t find any documentation on this attribute (if it’s there please post a link). Is this an accurate and repeatable way to determine if someone has created a call vs conference bridge (“basic” vs “base”).?
If not, is there some other attribute I should use to make this determination? I did see a “creator” attribute which holds “ConfBridge” when creating a conference bridge, but since I created my dialplan with FreePBX (to save time) I don’t want anything to be FreePBX specific so am hesitant to use this attribute…I want it to work with just Asterisk and a manually created dialplan.