Websocket TLS certificate gives error

I’m running Asterisk as root. So I basically login with SSH, type in

$ sudo asterisk
$ sudo asterisk -crvvvv

It obviously ask me for the password again if I have not typed it in. The user asterisk does not exist at this moment, but I can sort that out later. All I want is for this certificate to load. I changed the htts.conf to only use tlscertfile.

When I verified the certificate it failed, so I added it to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates and executed

$ update-ca-certificates

now when I do a

$ openssl verify /etc/asterisk/cert/asterisk.pem
/etc/asterisk/cert/asterisk.pem: OK

from a normal user as well as root. But I still don’t have any luck with asterisk.

ERROR[31448] tcptls.c: TLS/SSL error loading cert file. </etc/asterisk/cert/asterisk.pem>

This is basically my http.conf file atm


tlsenable=yes          ; enable tls - default no.
tlsbindaddr=    ; address and port to bind to - default is bindaddr and port 8089.
tlscertfile=/etc/asterisk/cert/asterisk.pem  ; path to the certificate file (*.pem) only.
;tlsprivatekey=</path/to/private.pem>    ; path to private key file (*.pem) only.

This is driving me crazy :frowning: