Using 1 known extension number on line pbx? (forwarded)

Hi …
im newbie, I am using asterisk 1.2.3.
I plan using 1 number that known by users. I am using FXS to connect to our pbx(hardware) (I have 3 lines in pbx and 3 SIP users).
ex : 111 is known number by users. (extension number)
222 is extension number
333 is extension number
if, 111 is busy then forwarded to 222, if 222 busy then forwarded to 333.
Some body would you give me example for extension.conf. so users just remember 1 number.
Thank you.

If you want to have hunting group for 3 FXS cards - in zapata.conf, you can write something like:

context=default ; Points to the default context of your extensions.conf
channel => 1-4 ; Again X is the number of FXO modules you have

and in zaptel.conf:


We have only red small PCB - if you have something else - you could check:
When you want to plase call:
Dial(ZAP/g1/$(exten)) - this way you will use first available channel.

thank you for the respon, i am using ATA for FXS to connect our PBX, because i just have one TDM11, is it posible using ATA for hunting environment? i am not in plan using mgcp, just playing in extension.conf.


[quote=“blesets”]thank you for the respon, i am using ATA for FXS to connect our PBX, because i just have one TDM11, is it posible using ATA for hunting environment? i am not in plan using mgcp, just playing in extension.conf.


Is it safe using this simply setting if someone call to 111, if busy then go to 222. I know this is not elegant :blush: . sorry im very newbie, please corect me.

exten => 111,1,Dial(SIP/111,40)
exten => 111,2,Dial(SIP/222,40)
exten => 111,3,Dial(SIP/333,40)
exten => 111,4,PlayBack(vm-goodbye)
exten => 111,5,HangUp()

don’t worry too much about it being elegant if this is the first dialplan you’ve written … you’ll have plenty of time to complicate it later :smiley:

it’s easy to follow and would appear to do what you want as long as the phones don’t use any local call-forwarding etc., and your callers are happy to wait for up to 2 minutes before being hung up on !!

I prefer to use some additional scripts - like astcc.
Modifying this scripts you can know in every moment which channels are inuse and which are not.