Upgrade PJSIP 2.8

Hello, I did try to make upgrade PJSIP to version 2.8

I changed in versions.mak to 2.8, but when I run ./configure, I have error file md5.

How can I upgrade pjsip

Did you copy or download pjproject-2.8.md5 file in /tmp/

Please note that this is not a supported thing to do. Patches may need updating, or even Asterisk itself at times. It’s not as easy as just changing the version number.

Tks for answer Jcolp , let me know a question:

How can works schedule for upgrade PJSIP in versions of Asterisk ? Exists some thing about that ?

We update Asterisk with the new version of PJSIP after PJSIP is released and testing has been done. The next release of Asterisk then includes it. There is no process for updating old versions of Asterisk.