Unloading module 'res_prometheus.so' that previously declined to load

[Sep 1 09:58:46] NOTICE[197]: loader.c:1307 auto_unload_resource: Unloading module ‘res_prometheus.so’ that previously declined to load
[Sep 1 09:58:46] ERROR[197]: config_options.c:528 process_category: Could not find config type for category ‘prometheus’ in ‘prometheus.conf’


;enabled = yes
;bind =
listen_address =
listen_port = 8080
metrics_path = /metrics

add moduls.conf

load => res_prometheus.so

That’s not a valid configuration. The prometheus module has no “listen_address”, “listen_port”, or “metrics_path”.

Did you try to use AI and it invented them?

Yes, I used artificial intelligence

How to activate Prometheus?

This is the same configuration file[1], which shows the options.

[1] asterisk/configs/samples/prometheus.conf.sample at master · asterisk/asterisk · GitHub

i added prometheus.conf

enabled = yes

The connection is still not established

The Asterisk HTTP server, configured in http.conf, also has to be enabled as stated in that sample config as well.

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