Second INVITE after returning a specific Contact

Today, my ITSP changed the server behavior. If I try to place a call the following happens:

to ITSP - INVITE sip:mynumber@itspdomain SIP/2.0
from ITSP - SIP/2.0 100 Trying
from ITSP - SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
from ITSP - SIP/2.0 200 OK
to ITSP - ACK sip:string@itsp SIP/2.0
to ITSP - INVITE sip:string@itsp SIP/2.0
from ITSP - SIP/2.0 606 Not Acceptable
to ITSP - ACK sip:string@itsp SIP/2.0
to ITSP - BYE sip:string@itsp SIP/2.0
from ITSP - SIP/2.0 200 OK

The result: I cannot place calls anymore. What happened and how to solve it?

Was it a direct media re-INVITE, a connected line update re-INVITE or a session timers re-INVITE. You need to provide enough information to enable one to decide between these cases, and for the first case, details of the changes in the SDP.

However, I think there is an issue where more than one codec is allowed, but both sides don’t support both codecs, where a bug can result in incompatible codecs on a direct media re-INVITE. If that is the problem, disabling directmedia (historically known as canreinvite) will avoid the problem, as will only allowing one codec.

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I had a closer look at the SDP content and I found

m=video 0 RTP/AVP 32

After stopping Linphone from doing video communication the problem is gone. I think my re-installed Linphone was the problem :slight_smile: