[Jan 11 16:06:05] WARNING[10697]: config.c:351 ast_include_new: '/var/www/pbx/companies/extensions/905.conf', line 2970: Same File included more than once! This data will be saved in /var/www/pbx/companies/extensions/commonrules/commonrules.conf~~371 if saved back to disk.
[Jan 11 16:06:05] WARNING[10697]: config.c:351 ast_include_new: '/var/www/pbx/companies/extensions/908.conf', line 2986: Same File included more than once! This data will be saved in /var/www/pbx/companies/extensions/commonrules/commonrules.conf~~373 if saved back to disk.
The context is 905 in both cases. Whilst I don’t know whether Asterisk would detect this, and I guess it might be going a bit out of its way to do so, all I was saying is that the complete contents of both files was the same.
According to the above, both files begin with the line [905]. Perhaps the line in 908.conf should be [908]?
I think it would be easier to define all these extensions according to a macro. Including a single file should be quicker than doing multiple includes, one per extension.