[RESOLVED] One way issue on web client side

Everything looks good, including the RTP from asterisk. Try using the sipml5 demo with the ice null server and without it. I really want to know if it is an issue with the ICE server or with the AUDIO IDs in the JS script.

@navaismo Hmmm, i would let people know how i did it but i also had some help with a friend and he did most of it (and sadly he isnt my friend anymore). If i could remember how we did it i’ll try and let you know, but i had this problem a while ago and it took me a while to fix it. So as of right now i would stick to the information given enzodd as it seems to be helpful so far.

Hello navaismo, whereas the configuration seems to be ok, I tried to change js library using sipml5. Now it seems works properly, there is the audio return. Thank you.

But, I have another problem, more simple :stuck_out_tongue: pjsip realtime. I have setting all, but when I send a CLI command “pjsip show endpoints” nothing is shown.

Can you help me?

No problem Edward_Woolsworth, thank you!

I’ll try and get ahold of my old friend but im afraid that will be hard, if i get ahold of him and ask him how he did it and IF he can remember how i’ll tell you lot, but i presume the problem will be solved before that time occurs.

No problem Edward, thank you. My problem, now, is changed ahahahaha

Although its changed good to hear that you got rid of the previous problem!