Thank you all for your guidance. This has been resolved.
For context,
I made the call again looking at the dialog as displayed by my voice-gw-1:
[Jan 27 10:54:18] -- Executing [9705221202@outgoing:1] NoOp("SIP/voice-switch-1-0002cbff", "sub-outgoing routing") in new stack
[Jan 27 10:54:18] -- Executing [9705221202@outgoing:2] Gosub("SIP/voice-switch-1-0002cbff", "checkinternal,9705221202,1") in new stack
[Jan 27 10:54:18] -- Executing [9705221202@checkinternal:1] NoOp("SIP/voice-switch-1-0002cbff", "trying to route to 9705221202") in new stack
[Jan 27 10:54:18] -- Executing [9705221202@checkinternal:2] Set("SIP/voice-switch-1-0002cbff", "DEST=voice-switch-1") in new stack
[Jan 27 10:54:18] -- Executing [9705221202@checkinternal:3] GotoIf("SIP/voice-switch-1-0002cbff", "0?noroute") in new stack
[Jan 27 10:54:18] -- Executing [9705221202@checkinternal:4] Gosub("SIP/voice-switch-1-0002cbff", "voice-switch-1,9705221202,1") in new stack
[Jan 27 10:54:18] -- Executing [9705221202@voice-switch-1:1] Dial("SIP/voice-switch-1-0002cbff", "SIP/voice-switch-1/9705221202") in new stack
[Jan 27 10:54:18] == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
[Jan 27 10:54:18] -- Called SIP/voice-switch-1/9705221202
[Jan 27 10:54:18] == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
[Jan 27 10:54:18] -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/voice-switch-1-0002cbff' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
I then checked my dialplan, looking for this “checkinternal”, and found:
[ Context 'checkinternal' created by 'pbx_config' ]
'h' => 1. Hangup() [extensions.conf:286]
'i' => 1. Hangup() [extensions.conf:287]
't' => 1. Hangup() [extensions.conf:288]
'_NXXNXXXXXX' => 1. NoOp(trying to route to ${EXTEN}) [extensions.conf:280]
2. Set(DEST=${DB(kci/route/${EXTEN})}) [extensions.conf:281]
3. GotoIf($["${DEST}" = ""]?noroute) [extensions.conf:282]
4. Gosub(${DEST},${EXTEN},1) [extensions.conf:283]
5. Hangup() [extensions.conf:284]
[noroute] 6. Return() [extensions.conf:285]
Using this I can clearly see that its referencing the database at kci/route/EXT.
database show:
/kci/route/9705221202 : voice-switch-1
This, above, is how my gateway is pushing the call back to voice-switch-1
The resolution:
database del kci route/9705221202
My call is now able to continue as an outbound call.
Thanks again for all your assistance!