I need you support on applying dial plan to Tenant X (Tenant 200 for example)
That If inbound calls ringing DID’s on Tenant it will remove first digit and show callerid without it,
**For example : ** if inbound calls go to DID on tenant : number 05XXXXXXXX → number that will be shown on phone screen and set as the callerid is 5XXXXXXXX The important is to remove the first digit + save the inbound callerid without the first digit → so I can send it as the callerid to post webhook I use for CRM Integration + it will only be active on tenant X (in this case tenant 200) and not other tenants!
this is what I did on extensions.conf
//this is what I added
exten => _./_05XXXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(numb):1}) //remove first digit from callerid on inbound calls
exten => _X.,2,Agi(agi://
On Thursday 23 January 2025 at 10:59:01, OM-131 via Asterisk Community wrote:
Hello Can someone please help
Your original post simply said “I tried it and does not work”.
Please give more information about what does happen - for example, what do
you see in the Asterisk log file for the line where you try to manipulate CLI:
You have no priority 1 for caller IDs that do not match 05XXXXXXXX. (Hint: the best match is used when more than one match is possible for a given priority.)
The use of _. is bad practice, and also confusing, as you are not consistent between the two priorities.
1.Its asterisk bicom systems
2. david
You have no priority 1 for caller IDs that do not match 05XXXXXXXX. (Hint: the best match is used when more than one match is possible for a given priority.)
The use of _. is bad practice, and also confusing, as you are not consistent between the two priorities.
other dial plan to tenant stay as default → do I need to add dial plan to them too?
Like I said : all I need is for the tenant X is if inbound calls go to DID on tenant : number 05XXXXXXXX → number that will be shown on phone screen and set as the callerid is 5XXXXXXXX The important is to remove the first digit + save the inbound callerid without the first digit → so I can send it as the callerid to post webhook I use for CRM Integration + it will only be active on tenant X (in this case tenant 200) and not other tenants!
can you help which configure dial plan that need to be implement to tenant X
Your current dialplan removes the first digit from caller IDs beginning with 05 and having 8 more digits. Other caller ID formats, for the same context, will not find a priority 1, so if the context is specified in the endpoint definitions, for the customer, will result in the call failing with “extension … not found in context t-200” and, if SIP, probably a 404 status code.
I have no knowledge of Bicom systems, but if Pooh is correct, you should not be messing with the dialplan unless you have a deep knowledge of how their system works, and don’t mind losing support from them.