Remote (called) Party Identification bug #8824 where to find


I’m very happy that the callerID could be updated after a transfer occured. It is fixed by the patch #8824 :

I’m actually running a 1.4.23 version, in wich new versions will this patch be applied ?

Thank you for a response.

It’s a new feature, not a bug, so it will never be in 1.4.x. It looks like it was put into 1.6.0, about 9 months ago, but sometimes changes logged in the issue tracker don’t take properly, so you need to check whether that revision is not empty.

You will need to check the SVN logs for individual 1.6.0.x versions to when it was merged into the released code.


i am also looking for this patch to be implemented into a final release, but even doesn’t seem to have the function CALLEDID implemented.

Can anybody help me with this? Is the function implemented in any final release now? I think it should as the bug is closed for more than one year now but i can’t find anything in the change logs of 1.6.x
