Realtime ldap dynamic


i configured on my asterisk server to get all my sip clients from my ldap server.

Phones can connect to the realtime sip clients, but all sip clients also listed at “sip show registry”, so all clients tries to register to an empty hostname.
On all sip clients, the value of the parameter ‘host’ is ‘dynamic’

asterisk*CLI> sip show registry
Host                                    dnsmgr Username       Refresh State                Reg.Time                 
:5060                                   N      100                120 Unregistered                                  
:5060                                   N      101                120 Unregistered   

asterisk*CLI> sip show users
Username                   Secret           Accountcode      Def.Context      ACL  Forcerport
100                                                          GROUP_IN  No   Yes       
101                                                          GROUP_IN  No   Yes     

[May  9 15:06:24] WARNING[7340]: chan_sip.c:16032 transmit_register: Probably a DNS error for registration to 100@, trying REGISTER again (after 20 seconds)
[May  9 15:06:24] NOTICE[7340]: chan_sip.c:15861 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '100@' timed out, trying again (Attempt #111)
[May  9 15:06:24] WARNING[7340]: chan_sip.c:16032 transmit_register: Probably a DNS error for registration to 101@, trying REGISTER again (after 20 seconds)
[May  9 15:06:24] NOTICE[7340]: chan_sip.c:15861 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '101@' timed out, trying again (Attempt #111)

my extconfig.conf

sippeers = ldap,"dc=base,dc=local",sip
sipusers = ldap,"dc=base,dc=local",sip


name = AstExtension 
amaflags = AstAccountAMAFlags
callgroup = AstAccountCallGroup
callerid = AstAccountCallerID
directmedia = AstAccountDirectMedia
context = AstAccountContext
dtmfmode = AstAccountDTMFMode
fromuser = AstAccountFromUser
fromdomain = AstAccountFromDomain
fullcontact = AstAccountFullContact
;fullcontact = gecos
host = AstAccountHost
insecure = AstAccountInsecure
mailbox = AstAccountMailbox
useragent = AstAccountUserAgent
md5secret = AstAccountRealmedPassword 

nat = AstAccountNAT
deny = AstAccountDeny
permit = AstAccountPermit
pickupgroup = AstAccountPickupGroup
port = AstAccountPort
qualify = AstAccountQualify
restrictcid = AstAccountRestrictCID
rtptimeout = AstAccountRTPTimeout
rtpholdtimeout = AstAccountRTPHoldTimeout
type = AstAccountType
disallow = AstAccountDisallowedCodec
allow = AstAccountAllowedCodec
MusicOnHold = AstAccountMusicOnHold
regseconds = AstAccountExpirationTimestamp
regcontext = AstAccountRegistrationContext
regexten = AstAccountRegistrationExten
CanCallForward = AstAccountCanCallForward
ipaddr = AstAccountIPAddress
defaultuser = AstAccountDefaultUser
regserver = AstAccountRegistrationServer
lastms = AstAccountLastQualifyMilliseconds
supportpath = AstAccountPathSupport

ldap entry of one client:

dn: uid=username,dc=base,dc=local
uid: username
homeDirectory: /home/username
gidNumber: 10000
uidNumber: 50016
shadowLastChange: 17126
letterGidNumber: 2000
letterPasswdEnabled: TRUE
letterUidNumber: 2000
confluenceEnabled: TRUE
sn: name
displayName: fullname
nickname: username
homeMailbox: maildir:/var/spool/mail/4f49c59e-28c3-4a7b-8812-6f25c67ce9b4
phoneExtension: EP407
givenName: Thomas
cn: fullname
rfidUID: d0815c7e
accessSystemAllowedDoors: 1
rfidKey: 1052696e6861726400000000000000000000
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: AsteriskSIPUser
objectClass: AsteriskExtension
AstAccountName: (SetUp_Default);Thomas
allowedApplicationsGlobal: cloud
AstAccountCallerID: "fullname" <100>
AstExtension: 100
AstAccountInsecure: invite,port
AstAccountQualify: no
AstAccountNAT: force_rport,comedia
AstAccountRealmedPassword: c5fb154cf13bdb967db876f11235bad0
AstAccountHost: dynamic
AstAccountType: friend
AstAccountDefaultUser: 100
AstAccountLastQualifyMilliseconds: 0
AstAccountExpirationTimestamp: 0
AstAccountPort: 0

How can i remove these user from “sip show registry”?

Thanks for help!

this seems the entry in sip.conf file. not exactly sure but just check “register => xxx:xxx@xx.xx.xx.xx.” entry in sip.conf