I installed Ubuntu on asterisk 21.4.1.
Failed to execute ‘/usr/src/cprog/func_getdate’: Permission denied
-rwxrwxr-x 1 asterisk asterisk 30752 Sep 10 08:13 func_getdate
Previously, when I created a file as a root administrator, it worked,
but when I used the asterisk account, I got Permission denied when calling AGI.
When I run ./func_getdate directly, it runs normally.
What should I do? Please help.
Check the permissions on all the directories int the path.
rwxrwxr-x 1 asterisk asterisk 30752 Sep 10 08:13 func_getdate
If the property is 775, shouldn’t it be executable regardless of the account?
I also assigned asterisk to the user asterisk group asterisk.
cd /usr/src/cprog
./func_getdate runs normally.
/usr/src/cprog/func_getdate is
-sh: 22: /usr/src/cprog/func_getdatetime: Permission denied
You were looking at the wrong file.
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