Hi. I use orginate in dialplan with application agi for googletts.agi Problem I face is that the text contain commas, I have to remove them as perl recognize it as argument separator despite the fact that the texte is quoted. Ex:
Executing [600@originateMSG:19] Originate(“Local/s@autodialout-Call-00000052;1”, "PJSIP/tootai_105,app,agi,“googletts.agi,“Message 19/11/2024, voilà”,fr,1.4"”) in new stack
This fail, get only “Message 19/11/2024” in english
I try to replace app with context/extension/priority but I don’t know how to pass those 3 variables. My rule:
Executing [600@originateMSG:18] Originate(“Local/s@autodialout-Call-00000053;1”, “PJSIP/tootai_105,exten,originateMSG,agi,1,v(“ttsTEXT=Message 19/11/2024, voilà ttsLANG=fr ttsSPEED=1.4”)”) in new stack
and get “Message 19/11/2024, voilà ttsLANG”
I tried v(“ttsTEXT=Message 19/11/2024, voilà ttsLANG=fr ttsSPEED=1.4”) as well as
v(ttsTEXT=“Message 19/11/2024, voilà”) v(ttsLANG=fr) v(ttsSPEED=1.4) even in this last case by replacing the space separator with comma, no luck.
Which is the right way to pass variables with originate in dialplan?