i want to set up an CallCenter Solution which has to be opensource.
I need:
- Webinterface (also from everywhere usable / Internet)
- PowerDialer (Asterisk calls a list of numbers, when connected, the Operator gets the call)
- Login for the operators (Web/everywhere)
- Login Admin (Web/everywhere)
So the operator has an VOIP Client on his Computer and logs into the Webinterface.
Asterisk now sees, someones online an start to dial out on multiple lines.
If there is a connection, it connects the customer with the operators VOIP Phone (Softphone/VOIP-Phone),
After the working day it should be possible to see, how long the operator was logged in, how many calls he had and what the average phonetime for a call was.
It would be nice, if the operator could enter Notes about the call and that i could extract this via CSVā¦
And the solution needs an CSV upload for customer data.
Did i miss something?
Roland Cloos