I am planning to start a new voip company. But unfortunately I am not an expert who understand technical requirements in regards to voip. I would appreciate if some one from this forum can answer my following questions…
I know calling card providers in country A who is currently providing call facility to Country B. I realize that they are paying a higher price to the long distance carrier for terminating their traffics. I personally know terminating operator in country B who will accept a lower rate from me. My question is how do i direct the traffics from country A to country B. I can get the voip provider from country A to transfer their voice traffics through me . What sort of setup do i need in order to maintain traffics between country A to country B?
What sort of server do i need? which operating system can i use?
In my view if i can have a server in country A which is connected to internet and the traffic will go through me to country B? How do i do this and how can i do the billing?
Please can someone please help me with this matter? I would appreciate if I can get all the answers in order to start this business? I would like to know what sort of hardware and software i need and also all the technical requirements i need in order to start this business?
I am planning to start a new voip company. But unfortunately I am not an expert who understand technical requirements in regards to voip …
With all due respect - how do you expect to open a company that does VoIP if you don’t know nothing about VoIP? Atleast take the time and browse arround the forum. The answers you are looking for are explained lots of time.
If you want my opinion - hire a professional to set up and maintain your VoIP servers. Also bear in mind that VoIP is not the best business to start at this time. There are a lot of big players that have been doing VoIP for a long time and in the end you will need to compete with them and with their prices if you want to make your business a success.
Thanks for your reply. What you have said about the big players in the market is true but for your information i would like to inform you that I am dealing with one specific country. I know that I can make a profit pout of it. I will hire a professional to do the business but I would like to know more about the technical side of the business so that i don’t get ripped off by the professionals. i hope you understand what i am trying to say. I will be grateful if someone can answer the question which will help me to get started. Thanks