I am in the process of planning a dial plan, In regards to the requirement, I am confused how to go about the dial plan.
The scenario is like below.
Line 1 – Extension 239
Line 2 – Extension 8239
Line 1 – Extension 239
Line 2 – Extension 8239
Now what I need is that if a user in Branch - A wants to dial Branch - B, he just needs to use 88xxx(extension of Branch - B)
Similarly, if a user in Branch - B wants to dial Branch - A, he just needs to use 89xxx(extension of Branch - A)
In this regards, I am not sure how do I achieve inter brach connection using asterisk to fit my 88 & 89 prefix dial plan for multi-location.
More over, said that, we will have a support Queue in Branch - A(extension 700), & users from Branch - B should be able to join the Queue(extension 700) to accept support calls & vice-versa, I dont know how this is possible & what would my dial plans be.
It would be much appreciated if someone can help me resolve this dial plan & support issue.