I have one asterisk (A) and two Zultys (B and C) ip telephony exchanges. This is what is it looks like:
- A can dial any extension on B and C
- B and C can dial all extensions on A
[color=red]3. B can place international calls through C[/color] - A can place PSTN calls through B
- A can place US numbers through C
[color=red]6. A can not place international calls through C![/color]
Point (6) is the one causing problem for me. I have a polycom conferencing phone which won’t work either with B or C but works perfectly with A (i.e. asterisk). Only problem is that this polycom phone (or any extension on asterisk) can not dial international through C although all asterisk extensions are able to dial US (long distance) numbers through C. Whenever in international call is placed through C from asterisk, C sends a “410 - gone” message to asterisk, but, C itself doesn’t record any error. I am lost and would appreciate some help. A small portion of my extensions.conf looks like:
exten => _9X.,1,Macro(auth,${CALLERIDNUM},${EXTEN})
exten => _1X.,1,Macro(auth,${CALLERIDNUM},${EXTEN})
exten => _042,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@lhrzultys,20,rt)
exten => _011.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@uszultys,20,rt)
Do you guys/gals think it is an issue in the above dialplan entry? It is the last entry in the above box.