I have problem instals asterisk in centos 7

I have installed asterisk on centos 7 and it works. but when testing calls using the softphone x-lite client that I registered cannot make calls. what do I need to do so that my VoIP Server runs well. here I attach file extension and sip.thanks

Instead of picture please post you configuration file in text, in a readable format, also set verbose level to 5 and post the cli output

below each user in sip.conf. Mostly sound and other communication are hampered due to firewall and natting. I hope you are not behind any firewall which will need more tuning

You also have a security problem as there is an invalid keyword setting the password.

Assuming he is using Asterisk 13 or >, NAT yes it is deprecated, also has @david551 said he also has a security issue on account 101, it is passwordless

Yes. That is true @ambiorixg12 . Sure, password setting is required
I thought of NAT and Firewall because he mentioned that registration is ok but calls are not going through.