I have plan compile asterisk with os 64 bit

Dear All,

Hello, I have plan compile asterisk with CentOS 5, 64 bit but i want to get any idea about this OS, because i checked with website trixbox they dont develop it with OS 64 bit. So Please give me any idea with performence asgterisk with OS 64 bit.


Asterisk will run fine on 64bit CentOS 5

Thank, But what about quality with process , Voice, IVR,?

Because i saw many system develop with asterisk compile with OS 32 bit. I am a new person to use asterisk cus i have plan to intergrate it with a2billing system. so i have plan to develop it with OS 64 bit.


:bulb: :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

We use Asterisk on a 64 bit Dell server, with Suse Enterprise 10, for a small call center, 7-12 concurrent calls, IVR, queues and agi scripts, without any problem.


Marco Bruni

Thank for your help, :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I run asterisk on CentOS 5 64 bit Dell servers. Some of our systems have 8 cores of 3.0Ghz processors and do 500+ calls with app_conference, FastAGI scripting, and lots of dialplan redirections…

i’d say you are good :smile: