Helping with VOIP Business

Hello. I need some yours help. I’m starting VOIP business now for some customers. I need any sugestions about promotion and services what I can offer for my customers. Please for help. Thank’s. Bye


first be aware that selling voip service is a cutthroat business with thin profit margins. If you are lookign to get rich fast, go into real estate or something.

Now your first thing is you must figure out exactly what your product is. Are you selling phone service (like vonage), wholesale service (like voicepulse connect), or some kind of hosted pbx? Perhaps a combo of the three?

As for what customers want- first off don’t be stupid. Don’t overpromise, make guarantees you can’t bakc up, etc. DO NOT SPAM THIS SITE OR THE WIKI, that is the fastest way I can think of to make a few thousand potential customers actively hate you. Be flexible. Respond to customer requests fast.

so to get started, the first question. what are you selling?


The first thing you will need is a lot of backing, expect a 10:1 money burn for the first few years.

IE for $1 earnt expect to Spend $10.

Having recently inspected the accounts of a major UK voip supplier they earnt £14000 and spent £173000.

Voip is not a money spinner its a bottomless pit.



I’m selling phone services, wholesale services for ISP or VSP and I offer hostep PBX for companies who need to save money. I don’t know what type of service I can offer and that services doesn’t exist in other provider. Don’t worry for SPAM - i also hate that but it’s true - it’s the fastest way to take some customers and tousends customers go away :smile: I never spam on any forums or wiki. I also thinking about method of promotion in my city like put some informations on white paper to pizza boxes or something. In Poland there isn’t any operator who have outside form of promotion - only Internet like Google Adwords or something. But I think promotion in my city will be very good. I still thinking about services. Of corse all servers will base on Digium hardware. I also very worry because somebody tell me i will lose money on VOIP. We have too many operators in Poland but lot’s of them are resselers of another big companies. I also very worry for new services in voipbuster - unlimited calls. At start I can’t create services like that - only charge per minute and I don’t know people will use that. Please for help. Thank’s for all @IronHelix


The first thing you will need is a lot of backing, expect a 10:1 money burn for the first few years.

IE for $1 earnt expect to Spend $10.

Having recently inspected the accounts of a major UK voip supplier they earnt £14000 and spent £173000.

Voip is not a money spinner its a bottomless pit.



So how that companies work ? don’t get any money ? I know hardware is very expenisve and internet connection also - for 15 mb i have to pay in Poland 1000$ per month. Is that expensive ?


For every call you place outside your network you will have to pay for.

If you are hoping to run this “service” on the back of “free” suppliers, They will see your traffic and block it.

You need to look at wholesale pricng and then look at what you intend to charge and the work out how many minuites it will take for you to earn even $1000 it will be inexcess of 100000 per month.



For every call you place outside your network you will have to pay for.

If you are hoping to run this “service” on the back of “free” suppliers, They will see your traffic and block it.

You need to look at wholesale pricng and then look at what you intend to charge and the work out how many minuites it will take for you to earn even $1000 it will be inexcess of 100000 per month.


Hi. I know I have to make lot’s of traffic to pay for internet connections, taxes etc. But I think it’s possible to get 100,000,0 minutes per month. IE one person talk normally 2h per month. So 100,000,0 is 16,666 hours . In that calculation 8,333 users have to use my services and talk 2 hours per month to have 1000000 traffic. I think 8333 it’s not very big for 47 milions country. What do you think?