I would like to ask, “Is it possible to save the call (voice of caller) in a wave file after the call has been answered. I think (rather sure) this is not the matter which is covered in voice mail”.
Thanks in Advance.
I would like to ask, “Is it possible to save the call (voice of caller) in a wave file after the call has been answered. I think (rather sure) this is not the matter which is covered in voice mail”.
Thanks in Advance.
You would use the ‘Monitor’ application to do this. More details may be found here:
You would use the ‘Monitor’ application to do this. More details may be found here:
Thanks for prompt reply. Can you please help me "How this monitor can be used from AGI. I am using phpAGI and have written code to handle my calls. In extensions.conf, I am only calling my phpAGI script to handle call and rest of the tasks are being performed in that script.
Details here:
Under AGI -> record_file
phpagi.sourceforge.net/phpagi2/d … ecord_file
And under phpagi-astmanager.php: